9D-NLS Works

The principles by realizing of which the system operates as a diagnostic one are described below. Each sort of cells has its own energy of destruction typical for certain intercellular molecular link. By changing characteristics of 9D-NLS Health analyzer system cadistor radiation, one can cause a destruction of intercellular structures links (and related spin orientations of bio-molecular combinations) of any cells of organism tissues. It is natural that the more stable and correspondingly more damaged condition researched tissues have, the more pronounced response we will have according to quantum entropy logic theory.

At the same time scanning frequencies will coordinate position of response which together with value of response will draw general geometry of accumulated damages in an organism. As soon as response is located by operation of psychophysical phenomena, we additionally introduced a number of physical forces activating brain functions of investigated persons, and also adjusting it resonantly (visualization of located organs on a screen of a computer, using of associativity principle). Using at locating energy impact which destroy typical molecular links is always interfits with resonance of corresponding electronic bridges in cadistor structure. On the basis of such resonance and released (at destruction of spin organization) energy due to appearance of metastable non-linear processes in cadistor structure quantum filling is carried out, resulting in amplification of response radiated by an organism.

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