Bring You And Your Family Happy And Healthy – Biophilia Intruder

Biophilia Intruder health analyzer is based on the findings in quantum physics. Traditional scientific methods are therefore not suitable to provide evidence for its effectiveness.

Biophilia Intruder was developed in international research activity over many years. The system is able, not in an invasive way, but only using a specific headphone, to specify information loss, i.e. the deviation from the optimal function of individual organs, cells, cell organelles and also molecules. The missing information, which supports the return to natural harmonious function, is then determined within seconds specifically for each person.

A joy for every therapist and every person who is open to a new perception of health and illness. Above all, our patients enjoy the relaxed, pain-free investigative situation and, naturally, the astonishing results.

The benefit, which you will see for yourself, your family and your patients of this outstanding comprehensive diagnostic and therapy system, cannot be put into words.

See for yourself and/or test the system for a few days, after an appropriate briefing, in your own practice.

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