The Structural Disturbances Of 17D NLS

Our thoughts interfere with the information frequencies, and thus we influence our own organs when we go into resonance with these.  For example, if I am worried about my stomach, and do this quite often, eventually I damage the mucous lining of the stomach. Worries are emotions and simultaneously information. If these remain for a longer period they can lead to pathology. Negative thoughts in relation to our bodies and our spirit create strong emotions. This explains why, when thoughts are laden with fear, they have a negative influence on our structure and without us being consciously aware of it, go in resonance with the organs where problems then will start to appear. It is very important that we all understand this idea and are conscious of this fact. The greatest influence on our health seems to come from our own thoughts because they can disturb the functional structure.

Relationships and communication with others represent also a source of information. If we are in conflict with others, this creates an information which is capable of disturbance. Media is another source of disturbance. The information there is not always positive and is often published in such a way that it creates fear and scares us.

In our modern society we are bombarded by massive electromagnetic radiation, whether we want it or not. It is therefore important to protect ourselves against all technological frequencies.

Why are older and younger persons affected by this?  Because they have a weak structure. If the contact between the cells is stronger, the body can face problems easier. The 17D NLS is a technology which permits this. It is thus possible to detect and repair dysfunction within the “structural information”.

is a technology which permits this. It is thus possible to detect and repair dysfunction within the “structural information”.

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