What’s The Acupuncture Visit Like And Using

Acupuncture may help reduce stress and ease pain associated with certain conditions and help with many other health problems. Take a few days to learn about acupuncture, what the first experience is like, and what it can do for you.

What a first acupuncture visit is typically like:

1. Examines you and asks about your health history;

2. Searches for blocked energy. This may occur by taking your pulse, examining your tongue, and looking at your skin and eyes;

3. Uses established landmarks to determine the placement of very thin needles;

4. Quickly taps the needles into your skin.

Some people feel slight pressure, but most feel no pain from the needles. The area may tingle, feel numb, itch, or be a little sore;

Treatment lasts 15 minutes to an hour. You may about need 5 to 10 treatments.

Acupuncture may be a useful treatment for many pain-related conditions, including:

* Carpal tunnel syndrome

* Fibromyalgia

* Headache

* Low back pain

* Menstrual cramps

* Myofascial pain

* Osteoarthritis (especially of the knee)

* Tennis elbow

There are other conditions for which acupuncture may be useful:


*Sleep problems

*Digestive issues

Acupuncture may be an alternative to, or may be included in, a comprehensive pain management program.

Further, by using acupuncture pen, we can further increase the safety and convenience of acupuncture, while reducing pain.

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