Why do we need Dual screen ion detox foot spa?

The cells in our body are electric; therefore the human body is electric. Bodily diseases and ailments have vibrating frequencies that are not compatible with the body's healthy cells causing a disruption of the cells' inherent polarity and oscillation.When this occurs it creates a natural imbalance and upheaval within all affected cells.Cells, when imbalanced, impede the body's functions that facilitate healing, including eliminating heavy metals, parasites and other toxins. However, cells that are fully charged have more oxygen and have the capability to undergo electrical balance that results in elevated mental attitude, energy and vitality, well - being. This balance elevates awareness along with our sense of the mind and body. Studies have shown Dual screen ion detox foot spa improves oxygen levels.

Ions are atoms or molecules that have lost or gained electrons, and free radicals are unpaired electrons. If the atom or molecule loses electrons then they become positively charged ions, and if they gain electrons, they become negatively charges ions. This ionic technique of cleansing with the foot bath provides a full body purge of all the body's vital organs, which result in a reduction menopausal symptoms,menstrual cramps, vaginal dryness, candida or yeast related infections, sexual health issues, a variety of skin problems such as acne and wrinkles, sleep disorders including restlessness, stress, and toothaches. Dual screen ion detox foot spa also results in more rapid disease healing and injury recovery.

Science has determined water to have an almost perfect balance of positive and negative ions, and because the body is composed of about 70% water, the body's ability to interact with water is eminent. When you immerse a body mass into water,the vibrational frequency of the water affects the vibrational frequency of the body due to the interaction of the magnetic and electrical fields. Consequently, Dual screen ion detox foot spa is one of the best types of detoxifiers. It is an amazingly exceptional natural healing product. Dual screen ion detox foot spa is painless, and has no harmful side - effects.

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