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Wie der Biophilia Tracker nach COVID scannt

Lassen Sie uns lernen, wie Sie das Biophilia Tracker-Gerät verwenden, um nach COVID zu suchen und entsprechend damit umzugehen.

Wie der Biophilia Tracker Schwermetalle findet

Die Auswirkungen einer Schwermetallvergiftung auf den menschlichen Körper sind sehr groß. Seine toxischen Wirkungen betreffen mehrere Systeme und Organe, und die Umsetzung ist komplex und nicht spezifisch.

Wie die Asthmafunktion im Biophilia Intruder-Gerät funktioniert

Schließen Sie das Biophilia Intruder-Gerät und den Dongle richtig an und schalten Sie das Gerät und die Software ein.

Wie man Katarakte mit dem Biophilia Tracker behandelt

Schließen Sie zuerst das Biophilia Tracker-Gerät richtig an

You Eat Too Sweet

Added sugars, which are sprinkled on and processed into packaged foods and beverages, have become all too common in the American diet, says the American Heart Association. The group argues that sugar bingeing is helping drive the uptick in metabolic changes in the American population, including the exploding obesity rate, and has now recommended an upper limit on daily consumption. Women should consume no more than 100 calories per day of added sugars, and men should not top 150 calories per day. There goes the soda habit: One 12-ounce can contains about 8 teaspoons or about 33 grams of added sugar, which equals approximately 130 calories, notes the AHA. (One gram of sugar serves up 4 calories, according to the American Dietetic Association.)

You Need The Omega-3 Fats

Food choices you make every day can boost your omega-3 intake. Filling up on omega-3 fatty acids does a body good. These polyunsaturated fats, which play a crucial role in how your body's cells function, have been shown to reduce harmful inflammation that could lead to heart disease, decrease triglyceride levels and blood pressure, and prevent fatal heart arrhythmias. Your body can't produce omega-3s, though, so you've got to be diligent about making sure your diet provides them. The good news is the fatty acids hide in tons of foods, like beans, certain oils and veggies, and—as you probably know—seafood. Take a look at these favorite sources.

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