Biophilia Guardian A3 Appareil de biorésonance pour chats
De bons systèmes de biofeedback, comme Biophilia Guradian A3, peuvent retracer les changements dans la pathologie et les infections en observant les caractéristiques de ces longueu..
En Yeni!!Biophilia Tracker X4 max 4D NLS Biorezonans Makinesi
Biorezonans Biofeedback Nasıl Çalışır?Vücudumuzdaki her organ, doku ve hücrenin, hücrelerdeki atomların dönüşü ile mümkün olan farklı bir frekansı vardır. Talimatlar beyinden vücud..
ISHA Apprentice Masters Classes of NLS
ISHA Bioresonance & NLS classes level 1-2-3-4-5:
Newest!!Biophilia Tracker X4 max 4D NLS Bioresonance Machine
How Does Bioresonance Biofeedback Work?Each organ, tissue, and cell in our body has a distinct frequency which is made possible by the rotation of atoms in the cells. When ins..
The ISHA Remote Quantum Meta Black Box DNA&RNA
No limitations of distance. Do worldwide scans and treatments, as if that client from 3000 miles away is sitting at your desk.Have more power than normaly with the headset (single ..
¡El más nuevo! Máquina de biorresonancia Biophilia Tracker X4 max 4D NLS
¿Cómo funciona la biorretroalimentación de biorresonancia?Cada órgano, tejido y célula de nuestro cuerpo tiene una frecuencia distinta que es posible gracias a la rotación de los á..
最新!! Biophilia Tracker X4 max 4D NLS バイオレゾナンス マシン
バイオレゾナンス バイオフィードバックのしくみ?私たちの体の各臓器、組織、細胞には、細胞内の原子の回転によって可能になる明確な周波数があります。 指令が脳から体に送られるとき、彼らは脊髄を使用して、神経や他の分子補助装置を使用してそれらの指令を送ります. 脳と脊椎の間の接続が無傷である限り、バイオフィードバックシステムは脳を使用して情報を聞いて取得することが..
최신!! Biophilia 추적기 X4 최대 4D NLS 생체 공명 기계
바이오레소넌스 바이오피드백은 어떻게 작용하는가?우리 몸의 각 기관, 조직 및 세포에는 세포 내 원자의 회전에 의해 가능하게 되는 고유한 주파수가 있습니다. 명령이 뇌에서 신체로 전송되면 척수를 사용하여 신경 및 기타 분자 보조 장치를 사용하여 해당 명령을 전송합니다. 뇌와 척추 사이의 연결이 손상되지 않는 한 바이오피드백..
2022 new model QMR-998 Quantum analyzer
What is Quantum Magnetic Resonance Analyzer?Mini quantum magnetic resonance analyzer is one of the latest and most persuasive sales tools; in the marketing process, when you commun..
3 in 1 Biophilia Guardian Bioresonance Analyzer for Animals Newest
Newest! Newest!! Newest!!!Newest 3 in 1 BIOPHILIA GUARDIAN include 3 software totally. You can install dog, cat, horse software on the same computer. Save more..
3 IN 1 Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer
Would you like to scan your body’s overall health in just one minute? Are you interested in discovering the source of your suboptimal health and fought back with precision?You..
300ML rich hydrogen water cup
SPE electrolysis technologyUsing the world's leading SPE electrolysis technology (hydrogen and oxygen separation), the residual chlorine residual ozone problem after electrolysis i..